Monday, November 10, 2008

Chicken Little

As seen in other mummies blog, using quail egg to make it look like a chick. As I have cooked some quail eggs for my boys, I start to play around with the quail eggs.

So how's the chicken little? Do they look like chicks or spaceship?


Mamabliss said...

hey that's so cute... :) u've got a wonderful pair of hands...

allthingspurple said...

oh this is just too cute.I haven't gotten myself to do that yet. hee hee.

3lilangels said...

Cute chicks! Great idea for a spaceship too with a little tweaking.

icfamily5 said...

mamabliss: Thanks

allthingspurple: It do require a bit of time with the cutting etc. But it is fun.

3lilangels: Yah. Will try other creatures next time. Ha Ha.

Par said...

Looks like chicks...hehe