Friday, January 23, 2009

CNY Cookies


Baked some cookies yesterday since I was on leave. Personally I like the Pooh butter cookies cos they turn out so cute.

Butter Cookies

Unbaked Almond Rice Puff

Forget to take picture of the Chocolate cookies. Will post it later. Very pleased with this year baking as I received good comments.


3lilangels said...

Nice bakes! Your girl must love the Pooh biscuit.

allthingspurple said...

huahhh....look at those pooh cookies !!! They look absolutely fabulous !!! What a treat for CNY !!!

oh, hey, Happy CNY. haha. late but better late than never. Was busy. also working from home throughout CNY. kesian hor? haha? bento posts also taking a backstep now.